Provider Advantages

Directions EAP values the opportunity to work with providers who are committed to bringing the most effective treatment to employees and their family members. We are committed to maintaining a superior relationship with our providers.

Directions’ current network of clinicians are located across the US.

Why should a provider consider joining Directions EAP network?

  • Directions EAP does not “manage” the EAP visits, except for quality issues. For formal supervisory referrals, we do case manage closely with the clinician.
  • Timely payments.
  • Provides friendly paperwork that is simple and concise. Directions EAP only requires the employee to fill out a short information sheet and clinicians then send this in with an invoice with dates of service.
  • Directions EAP allows “self referring” in order to allow the employee to maintain the trusted relationship they have established with their counselor.